Synrock vs Stickyrock options
Synrock is the basic ceramic we have been refining over 25 years now. We've made lots of improvements over the years and the current mix is much stronger than in the past. However like all ceramics, synrock is brittle and has poor tensile strength compared to its compressive strength. The tensile strength is only an issue for smaller holds. You can't break a large synrock hold by overtightening. Brittleness is only an issue for larger low profile holds. Smaller holds won't break if you throw them in a bucket with other ceramic holds or drop them on concrete. Large rounded shapes tend not to break either (but can put a dent in a concrete floor).

Stickyrock is a ceramic composite with fibers and graphene to greatly increase its tensile strength. Because it's more expensive we tend to only use it for small bolt-on holds or elongated shapes like long rails. Also recomended for gyms where holds get extra abuse.